Vegan BBQ Bowls on a Boat

Vegan BBQ Bowls

Once upon a time, we lived in a 3-story townhouse and had quite the collection of cookbooks. Then I found food blogs and all of a sudden there was this whole new world of recipes to try. For a while, I printed them to store in binders. Yeah, that wasn’t super effective.

Now I use the ChefTap app to manage my recipes (pretty sure I’ve been a customer for close to 10 years). It clips recipes from blogs and other websites or you can type in your own recipes. Which is super handy and also super easy to clip and clip and clip and become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of recipes.

In reality, ChefTap is easy to keep organized – it just takes some discipline for me to do it. It’s much more fun to find the recipes, than it is to tag and group them. Luckily I’ve found the 4-hour drive to visit Handsome Hubby’s mom and dad is the perfect time to organize my recipes “my way”. Which is how I found this week’s Tasty Tuesday recipe.

Vegan BBQ Bowls = A tasty find

Originally saved in February 2019, this Vegan BBQ Bowl recipe is sooo good!!! I’m even a little sad it sat untasted in my recipe collection for so long. It’s creator, This Savory Vegan, even goes so far as to call it Ultimate!! I concur.

I skipped the rice and changed the cannellini beans to navy beans since I was out of the former. My ranch dressing came from Veggie Inspired and was perfect on this bowl. Other than that, I pretty much followed the recipes as written – well other than I rarely measure anything too exactly!!!

Easy to make on a boat

Vegan BBQ Bowls are great for life on a boat – tasty, quick, easy and a perfect weeknight meal. Or a weekend meal. Or a lunch. I’d probably even eat it if for breakfast if we had leftovers (we didn’t). We are in a marina, so making the dressing with the high speed blender isn’t a problem. When we’re at anchor, I’ll probably make the dressing using some store-bought vegan mayo with the spices.

Get the recipes:

Ultimate Vegan BBQ Bowl – This Savory Vegan
Southwest Vegan Ranch Dressing – Veggie Inspired

Vegan BBQ Bowls were made on a 37 foot Tollycraft. See other boat tested and tasted recipes.

Stay safe and happy cruising!

Update: I now use the Paprika app for my recipes. Same concept but I like the desktop version of Paprika better.

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