Simple Life
Simple Life
Why we don’t have a microwave on our boat
Why don’t we have a microwave on our boat? We don’t need it and in its place we have a mixer, toaster, blender, kettle and Instant Pot.
Alternative Living on a Boat
Why do we NEED a traditional home? if we embraced alternative living like living on a boat, more people might just have a home of their own.
Why life is simpler on a boat
Living on a boat. Is it simpler than living on land? For the most part, yes. And here’s why our life is simpler on a boat.
Life on a Boat During a Pandemic
Life on a Boat during a pandemic. Some things are the same. Some things are different. But for sure it has been unlike anything I’ve experienced.
Dad’s Greatest Gift Led to Living on a Boat
It’s hard to believe it’s been five years since Dad passed away. I miss him greatly. But I’m taking his greatest gift and living every day to the fullest.
Moving onto a boat!! It’s a new adventure
It’s a little hard to believe that as of this Friday, we will live full-time on the water. It’s going to be an adventure!